Gaming Together
Play Fungy, The Game
700 xp in Inquiry and Presentation
The Fourcast interns enjoy imagining alternative realities and worlds that exceed the parameters of our own world. By producing possibility spaces through “what if” scenarios, we have the ability to not merely diagnose the world or to criticize it, but to imagine, simulate and bring about alternate worlds through interactive games. In this alternate world, you play as Fungy, a mushroom who realizes his plant friends are dying in a world with rapidly changing climate. Armed with the ability to several rhetorical strategies, Fungy travels to the capital of the USZ to convince others to do something about climate change. Empathize or flame characters. Provide real facts or alternative facts. Do whatever it takes to persuade people to join your cause!
Game Files:
What to submit
- First and Last Name
- Team Name (No worries if you don’t have one!)
- Screenshots of your gameplay
- A 250 word essay or 2- 3 minute video with your thoughts on the game and rhetorical strategies