Climate Quest

World 3: SPORE Communication

By August 24, 2019No Comments
SPORE Device Broadcasts

World 3: SPORE Communication

Title: World 3: SPORE Communication
Category: SPORE Device Broadcasts
Monday, August 26th, we are reactivating the SPORE device. Communication with 2049 is integral to understanding the most vital and viable threats to our planet’s well-being. We must take this opportunity seriously, as a way to rethink our current strategies and anticipate our inevitable obstacles. Tune in to the twitch stream at 1:30 PM CDT on and prepare for a new transmission. If you’ve missed previous streams, watch them here: the transmission, answer the following questions:
What do we believe to be true about this timeline? What do we know about the Anchor? What is a question to ask the Anchor next transmission? What is different about World 3 compared to the previous two?

What to submit
  • First and Last Name
  • Team Name (No worries if you don’t have one!)
  • Short answers to the above questions