Episode SummariesWorld 3

Episode 1, August 26

By September 21, 2019No Comments

World Three: Episode 1: August 26. 2019 from Fourcaster on Vimeo

The broadcast opens with the Anchor dancing across the back of the room. A desk, cluttered with papers and documents, along with a tall decorative terrarium structure and a lamp, occupies the middle of the space. Once the Anchor takes their seat at this desk, they are displayed ad infinitem in receding background projections. Once the Anchor notices the established contact with TERI, they introduce themselves and explain the situation. 

The Anchor then moves into a series of quiz-like, climate-related questions that serve to calibrate the “Information Processor.” The viewers must answer 20 of these correctly to reach 100% calibration. A ten-minute countdown timer appears. Participants achieve this 100% mark, and manage to answer an additional three questions for extra credit.

A cipher is then displayed on the wall behind the anchor: “Enter Say in Ellie Day.” A loud knocking at the door announces the proximity of one of the Veilers. The screen cuts to a label that says “Searching: Center in Delhi” and a distorted video of a stairwell, in which a suited hand reaches down to examine the Braid dinosaur, as in the other worlds. Presumably, this is the Veiler outside the bunker door. The video cuts back to the Anchor hiding in the corner of the bunker. On the wall behind the Anchor is another cipher that reads: (4664) 5664-236837.

The participants in 2019 realize that “Enter Say in Ellie Day” is pig latin for “Center in Delhi”, a University of Chicago campus in Delhi referenced in the stream. They also discover that the numbers in the second cipher resemble that of a phone number, and, after some difficulty, discover that each number corresponds to letters on a phone keypad. Putting the number into a T-9 predictive text emulator found online, they find the words “Hong Kong Center.”