Climate Quest

Futures Design Challenge Character Quiz

By August 14, 2019August 19th, 2019No Comments
Character Quiz

Discover Your Archetype

Not sure where to start in the Futures Design Challenge? Look no further! The Futures Design Challenge Character Quiz (FDCCQ) can help you determine which project might be suited to your own interests and skill sets. There are 12 different archetypes each with their own strengths and pathways.  Perhaps you are the Alchemist, researching scientific approaches to climate change? The Dreamweaver, creating art that engages with the affective dimensions of climate?  Or the Argonaut, who journeys into the wilderness to explore and discover?  The FDCCQ is a starting point to a larger interdisciplinary conversation around climate change. Try to collaborate with people who have different interests and skills.

Complete Futures Design Challenge Character Quiz and share your results with the Fourcast Lab!

What to submit
  • First and Last Name
  • Team Name (No worries if you don’t have one!)
  • A screenshot of your character archetype